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Building Profile

West Boulevard Elementary
Boardman, OH 44512

Principal: Alphonse Cervello
School Secretary: Mrs. Alice Rhodes

Important Numbers
Administration: 330-726-3427
Attendance: 330-726-3427
Fax: 330 726-0397

7:45 AM - Doors Open
8:00  AM - Classes Begin/Tardy Bell
2:05 PM -  Dismissal

West Boulevard Elementary serves more than 400 students K-3. As a two-time winner of the National Blue Ribbon School Award, our teachers and staff are focused on meeting students' individual needs while helping them reach their fullest potential. 

Understanding each student's current level of performance, monitoring and adjusting instruction and interventions, and working with the family unit allows for a smooth transition from the school setting to home and vice versa. Open communicaton and a team approach are key to our success.